STEEL - Ø 7 mm outer diameter - for 2 mm motor shaft. - bag with 2 units
STEEL - Ø 7 mm outer diameter - for 2 mm motor shaft. - bag with two units
DURALUMINUM - Ø 7 mm outer diameter - for 2 mm motor shaft. - bag with two units
Steel and Duraluminium - module 05 - for 2 mm motor shaft. - allen stud M2.5 x 2.5 mm. - bag with 1 unit + 2 asparagus
Nylon - Z12 x Ø 7 mm. outer diameter - GREEN color - bag with 4 units
Nylon - Z11 x Ø 6.5 mm. in diameter - YELLOW color - bag with 4 units
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